Corporate Business
We can help with any legal issues throughout the life of your business, working to keep legal issues from interfering with your day-to-day business operations. Our California corporate business attorneys can work to help you with many business law issues. From forming a corporation or LLC to helping write the charter and articles of incorporation for your business, we can help you get the tools you need to start your business right. Once your business is set up, we can also help with issues of corporate planning and structuring to help your business change as it grows, adapting to new laws and new challenges. We also deal with day-to-day legal issues, such as acquisitions, contracts, and other issues if you do not have in-house counsel to manage these issues. At the end of a business’s life cycle, there are also many issues with the dissolution of partnerships or corporations that require experienced legal counsel.
Estate Planning
Thinking about the future ultimately means considering what will happen to your money and your assets when you pass. For some, California’s intestacy statute will be enough to give your estate to the right people, but it may not help protect them from enormous tax burdens or help keep the estate properly managed and controlled to help support your family. Many of the estate planning tools our lawyers work with can help you avoid probate and estate taxes and help provide trusts and support services for family members with disabilities, spouses and children. Talk to one of our attorneys for help planning your will, updating your will, and making sure that your assets will be handled the way that you want them to be. Our attorneys can also work with you on an ongoing basis to answer your questions and concerns, updating your will to reflect changes in your life and your finances.
Corporate and business litigation can be extremely stressful, especially for small businesses or corporations that do not have in-house counsel to protect and guide them. Everyone plans for contracts and business operations to have air-tight protocols to protect them, but no plan is perfect, and litigation is sometimes the best way to protect your rights and your business interests. Our lawyers can help challenge bad contracts, fight other businesses that breach their obligations, protect your rights in trust and probate disputes,and work to keep your business from facing unfair or unjust consequences if someone accuses you of doing something wrong.
Our litigation attorneys also help in personal matters, such as litigation over wills and estates, problems with trusts and payments, tax litigation, and adversary proceedings in bankruptcy court. All of these financial issues involve heavy regulation and official filings that you need to manage in your case, and our attorneys have experience handling these processes and problems for our clients.
Real Estate
Our real estate lawyers work with corporate clients looking to buy commercial real estate or facing problems in real estate transactions. We can help fight problems with real estate contracts, answering your real estate questions and seeking remedies that can help you get and keep the building you need to grow your business or move offices. We also represent corporate clients in landlord/tenant disputes, ranging from issues with commercial buildings and office space to apartment buildings. If your real estate case needs to go to court, our attorneys have experience with real estate litigation as well as contracts and planning. Contact us for help planning a real estate transaction or helping to resolve issues that stall or stop your transaction from being completed.
Tax Law
Corporate clients and individuals with high net worth often have more complex tax issues than other people. Our attorneys are experienced in handling these kinds of tax issues and working to keep our clients from running into problems with the IRS. We also seek to maximize tax benefits and tax breaks under California law and U.S. law to get our clients the benefits they need. If the IRS does contact you for additional information, to issue penalties, or to request unpaid taxes, our attorneys can step in, negotiate with the IRS for reduced payments, challenge your case in court, and help resolve the issues you face from tax liens or audits. We also help with tax issues surrounding complex cases, like corporate tax burdens and taxation for small businesses and startups.
If your tax issues are not properly sorted out when you file, the IRS can respond very harshly. This can sap time and money from your business or your personal finances, creating additional problems down the road. It is always better to consult a tax attorney and resolve issues at the beginning rather than waiting for issues to catch up to you. If you are already under an audit or involved in tax litigation, our lawyers can step in and protect you and your finances.
Unlawful Detainer
Practice Areas

Your business deserves a legal partner who understands your current needs and is equipped to evolve with you. NewPoint Law Group is ready to be that partner, ensuring that your legal foundation is as robust and forward-thinking at every milestone as your business itself.